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This month, the assembly of the high voltage substation in GIS format ± 34.5kVca / 440kVca, located in Lençóis Paulista, was completed.

What is a GIS Substation? It is a set of high voltage gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) equipment, such as circuit breakers and disconnectors, TC's, encapsulated in metal enclosures in which they can be safely operated in restricted spaces, are used when there is a small space and can be both in time and sheltered. Basically, it is a compact energy substation that has SF6 gas in its isolation principle. Sendi was responsible for the services and supplies of materials and equipment for the execution of its civil works, electromechanical assembly and commissioning support, as well as the adjustments at the Bauru | Sorocaba and Botucatu in the state of São Paulo. The building where the GIS substation is housed has 538.12 m², in addition to this building we also have two control houses with 432.00 m², support for patio equipment and 120 meters of interconnection channels, all produced in prefabricated by SENDI . To convert the voltage from 34,500 volts to 440,000 volts, three 140 MVA three-phase transformers were installed. By Frederico Almeida Civil engineer


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