Any event like the current one generates holistic views, in the view of marketing it certainly generated a lot of pain, but also great advances in the areas that involve communication.
The pandemic accelerated something we were already working on, more digital communication focused on content. This transformation is due to the change in consumer behavior driven by Covid-19. Business became exclusively digital, websites became big shelves, characteristics that months before the pandemic we saw with much less intensity. Undoubtedly, this consumption behavior will extend to the post-pandemic world. Global brands like: Google, Facebook, reinforce trends and consumption habits, making these variants stronger in society. In addition to the digitization of business, another point that was greatly affected by the communication pandemic was creativity. Living every day in a state of alert generates excessive mental tiredness, all professionals in the area have gone through this stage during the past year. We learn to live with tension and stay creative. It is a matter of practice, where we exercise this variable every day. We live in a society where the like has great power, it is an instant feedback, when we fail everyone is seeing our result, this is consecutively transferred to the company's image, it is a fun challenge, but it generates fear at the time of any publication of work. We are evolving on these issues that are new and we see them as learning. Like all companies, they are adapting to maintain the most efficient operation, despite all the existing difficulties.
Transferring this whole context to SENDI, talking a little about how the pandemic started here at the company. In the beginning we went through a crisis of tension, we didn't know what we were going to face. From the beginning, the company was concerned with making work more flexible, allowing remote work for the entire administrative sector, after making it easier to take care of employees, we did not have a reduction in the workload / salary, covid tests were carried out by the company. SENDI is a company that gives a voice to suggest improvements, points of adjustments. This at the time of the pandemic was fundamental, as many actions were not planned due to the occasion. The company values and invests in marketing. We have many actions already designed for 2021, actions fully synchronized with the current moment and market trend.
We started January 2021 with a totally new and restructured website, the changes did not happen only in the digital aspect, or conceptual of the campaigns, they were also physical, today the marketing is with a totally separated physical structure, with new audio and video equipment which guarantees a lot of news for 2021!
Talking a little about my feeling of working at Sendi. It is really a professional achievement to work in a company of this size, even in such a delicate moment worldwide. Of course, our life is not like a soap opera and the idea here is not to convey a concept of perfection, but that without a doubt SENDI is a company that I have a very special feeling and a very important role in my professional career, I have a very strong connection with the company. Marketing today has a strategic role within Sendi, in this pandemic moment even with the vaccine already in distribution, we see a “normalization of the market” only in 2022. Marketing actions, even if more timid, with less appeal to products and services , has a fundamental role in the future of making the public of the company as the main agent of transformation, a job that requires a lot of dedication, time, strategy, synergy from all involved.
By Daniel Nardo - Marketing Analyst